Welcome to the Ecumenical Benedictine Oblate.

You are welcome here as Christ.
I hope we will create a meeting space here, gathering resources that will:
--enrich our lives,
--build our sense of Benedictine community,
--deepen our spiritual journeys, and
--stimulate meaningful conversation.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

My Own Experience of the Benedictus . . . . (or Song of Zachariah)

Early one Sunday morning, I found myself, a mid-western wife, with three Benedictine sisters and a priest.  We were in a small monastery chapel, praying a Morning Prayer service, which included the Benedictus (or Song of Zachariah).  The realization that I made in those moments has reshaped my life.

I am filled with gratitude for that ordinary Sunday morning.  That morning I realized that the Benedictus is not only a beautiful ancient prayer of faithful praise.  It has become my own prayerful call to live in the community of faith.  This is a call shared by the larger Benedictine community.  It describes faith in God as faith has been expressed since before the birth of Christ.  

The words of the Benedictus, and the act of praying them, continually call me back to community, and to the Rule of Benedict.  It serves both as my call to remember, and as my call to actively choose my life of faith, today.


1 comment:

  1. In some ways, for me, the Benedictus calls me to live even beyond the community of faith. Its reach is broad and universal, offering the covenant of Abraham and Sarah to all who seek the ways of forgiveness and peace. When I pray this ancient poem, the words "And you child..." are addressed to me, calling me to proclaim soul-health by my own offer of forgiveness. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all communities of faith might proclaim salvation by forgiveness rather than judgment?


Your conversation about Ecumenical Benedictine Spiritual Experience is welcome.

About Deanne, Obl.S.B.

My photo
Illinois, United States

Benedictine Book List:

  • -Wisdom Distilled from the Daily, by Joan Chittister
  • -The Rule of Benedict: Insights for the Ages, by Joan Chittister
  • -The Monastic Journey, by Thomas Merton
  • -The Gift of Years: Growing Older Gracefully, By Joan Chittister
  • -The Cloister Walk, by Kathleen Norris
  • -St. Benedict's Toolbox: The Nuts and Bolts of Everyday Benedictine Living, by Jane Tomaine
  • -Radical Hospitality: Benedict's way of love, by Daniel Homan, OSB & Lonni Collins Pratt
  • -Dakota, by Kathleen Norris
  • -Benedictine Daily Prayer: A Short Breviary, Compiled and Edited by Maxwell T. Johnson, Oblate of St. John's Abbey, and the Monks of St. John's Abbey
  • -Amazing Grace: A Vocabulary of Faith, by Kathleen Norris
  • -A Life-giving Way, by Esther de Waal