Sunday night I met with a new small group. We started with a prayer, followed by a brief discussion of how each one lives a ‘personal rule of life.’ We specifically discussed the dimensions of ‘piety, study and action’.
Meeting with people whom I do not know, I am impressed anew by the variety of distinct ministry callings, and areas of influence demonstrated in these lives. Their individual ministries range from a focus in a local worshiping community, and creating a safe environment for faith in the work place, to creating opportunities for faith community on the internet.
Meeting with people whom I do not know, I am impressed anew by the variety of distinct ministry callings, and areas of influence demonstrated in these lives. Their individual ministries range from a focus in a local worshiping community, and creating a safe environment for faith in the work place, to creating opportunities for faith community on the internet.
Our conversations affirmed a truth that I have known, but do not often voice. Each individual is doing something with God, that I cannot do, and that most clergy cannot do. These individuals have circles of influence in the corporate work place, among the retired, and in health care facilities. As a routine part of their lives they are in communities to which others have little or no access.
In their quiet prayer, piety, study, and private conversations, they are gently building up the community of faith. They are welcoming others as Christ, in the people that they meet on a daily basis.
I am encouraged by their daily efforts to be faithful disciples. Their evident determination to both develop a personal rule of life, and to follow God faithfully in their own circle of influence, remind me to think of ways to do this myself.
Thank you God for all those who follow you in places and activities unknown or unseen. Thank you God for prayers, study, and ministries that seem to be invisible. Help each of us to remember that You alone know the results of these quiet actions, prayers and conversations. Encourage and strengthen each one to be a faithful disciple today.