How do you think we might encourage each other?
Are you interested in discussing the Rule?
If so, then we might read selections from Joan Chittister's web site. The link is listed under "Some Links of Interest to Benedictines" in the left column of this blog.
I hope that we find a way to encourage one another in our daily ordinary lives. I also hope that you will share your hopes about using this blog for connection, discussion, study, or prayer.
About confidentiality and privacy. Even though I can't find this site without the exact URL link, it is currently functionally open to anyone.
The option exists to limit access to "up to 100 readers" and "100 authors" to make a private blog for a small reflection, prayer, or study group. I welcome your comments on private verses public.
So explore, comment, subscribe, follow...and tell me what you think.
Peace and Blessings,
Deanne Gibbs-Brown, Oblate S.B.